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WORDS TO LIVE BY: Quotable Wisdom & Inspiration


If you are at a loss for words, this is a superb collection of Steve Gilliland’s most popular quotations, acute insight and keenest wit. This hugely popular best-selling author compiles his quotable wisdom and telling phrases in a pleasantly readable book. WORDS TO LIVE BY™ is a wonderful resource for business meetings, opening remarks, email signatures and speeches of any kind. It contains over 150 insightful, thought-provoking and inspiring aphorisms. The perfect source for reference, repartee and daily living.

Steve Gilliland

Author, WORDS TO LIVE BY: Quotable Wisdom & Inspiration

In addition to his brilliant speaking career, Steve is a prolific, accomplished author, evidenced by four of his books—Enjoy The Ride, Making a Difference, Hide Your Goat and Detour—perennially making the publisher’s bestseller list and his being named Author of the Year. His thought-provoking writing style makes his articles a favorite with nationally prominent magazines. He influences the lives of millions through his presentations, books, CDs and DVDs. An extensive array of these products has been utilized by small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, U.S. and Canadian government agencies, churches, school districts and nonprofit organizations. Speaking the language of active business leaders, his books and CDs identify practical lessons that grow people and their businesses.

Also from Steve Gilliland: LOL (Pearhouse Press)