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The word THIS in the title refers to you, dear reader. How motivated are you on any given day? One of the biggest challenges we face today in business and in life is staying optimistic and motivated to be at our best for more than just a few days. Well…no need to fear, Motivate This! is here! According to Steve Rizzo, if you implement his Common Sense Success Strategies, you will discover Increased Productivity, Greater Enthusiasm and New Levels of Success. We go through the course of our lives and allow circumstances, events, situations and people to suck the energy right out of us, says Rizzo. With the right strategies, all of us have the ability to bounce back, take control and forge ahead. This book is filled with Rizzo’s unique brand of humor, insightful stories and mind-altering strategies that can elevate your overall degree of motivation, regardless of your circumstances. It’s an indispensable tool for maximizing your personal and professional success and happiness.

Steve Rizzo


You can’t attend one of Steve Rizzo’s keynote speeches or seminars or read his books and leave with the same attitude. He’s a personal development expert, comedian, motivational speaker and bestselling author. He was named a Showtime Comedy All-Star, and his immensely popular PBS special brought him into millions of homes. It’s no surprise that he’s been inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, an honor bestowed upon fewer than 232 speakers worldwide since 1977. Steve’s extensive client list includes American Airlines, JP Morgan Chase, AT&T, the CIA (Yeah, that’s right, The Central Intelligence Agency!), Burger King and many more.